Transportation in Friuli Venezia Giulia

Current language English

   Deutsche Sprache : un-official web pages about the present and the past of public transports in Friuli Venezia Giulia (by Giovanni Tosi)


The touristic activity made by buses has always been important and, in the last thirty years, became bigger and bigger. It started as a part of interurban service using the same vehicles, but evolved with secific buses where technology and driver's profession were fundamental components.
In Friuli Venezia Giulia the offer is over 120 coaches, divided in about 20 companies.
The main companies with specific tourism coaches are:

SAF (Udine/Trieste),

ATAP (Pordenone),

APT (Gorizia),

Armony Tours (Pordenone),

Trieste Trasporti,

Alibus (Pordenone),

D'Orlando (Tolmezzo),

la Gradese (Grado),

Pasqualini (Povoletto),

Petruz Rinaldo (Romans),

CGS (Trieste),

Pittini (Gemona),

Molinari (Tolmezzo),

Cogoi (Muzzana del Turgnano),

Sergio Olivo (Capriva),

Bevilacqua (Udine),

Barburini (Gemona),


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Fiat 680 Cattellan

(photo P. Bellemo)

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Fiat 308L Menarini +

Fiat 343 Dalla Via - Gayer

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Neoplan N 216 Collavini

 (photo Tosi)





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