Transportation in Friuli Venezia Giulia

Current language English

   Deutsche Sprache : un-official web pages about the present and the past of public transports in Friuli Venezia Giulia (by Giovanni Tosi)

The first plants

The first ropeway in the region was built in 1940: the ropeway to Monte Santo, near Isonzo river just over Nova Gorica, destroyed during bombardments in 1943 and rebuilt some years later when it was in Jugoslavian territory.

It's important to remember the Monte Lussari ropeway in Valbruna (near Tarvisio), built in 1960 and substituted in the eighties by a gondola. In 1949, in Ravascletto, Graffer from Trento realized the first chairlift in the region: the "Cuel Piciùl" and a couple of years later, in Tarvisio, was built the particular plant of  "Priesnig" chairlift.

During the sixties a new village was born: Sella Nevea. It started with a couple of skilifts, then the aerial tramway by Ceretti & Tanfani (1970) recently renewed. It's the only place where skiing is possible also during spring (and sometimes also during summer) in Sella Prevala.


Friuli Venezia Giulia has now 5 important skiing centres, managed by the public regional company Promotur. All of them have artificial snowing plants: Forni di Sopra, Ravascletto-Zoncolan, Piancavallo, Tarvisio-Valbruna and Sella Nevea-Monte Canin. Moreover there are little localities, with some skilifts managed by municipes, hotels or ski-clubs.
One of the more important ropeways is the detachable gondola in Camporosso (to mount Lussari).

The future

In the next season the link from Sella Nevea to Bovec (Slovenia) should be completed. This will allow Italians to ski on Kanin plants through Sella Prevala.
Another project, which will be shortly realized, is the link from Pontebba to  Nassfeld pass (Austria), where there are over 30 lifts that serve about 100 Km of slopes.
Finally, there also is an ambitious and interesting idea regarding the zone called Razzo-Mediana in Forni di Sopra. The development would be in the northern side of Varmost, but now it's only a dream...

Forni di Sopra - Ravascletto - Piancavallo - Tarvisio - Sella Nevea - other localities

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 "Sledgeway" in  Tarvisio

Monte Santo ropeway

 (near Nova Gorica)

Cuèl Piciul chairlift

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